Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Read instructions carefully Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Read instructions carefully - Essay Example occurrence of selling and purchasing, dealings entirely ignored any consultation to the humanitarian aspect of trade considering each slave’s basic inalienable rights as humans, at least. A recount by a certain Taylor Jackson for instance, told of his own 1938 ordeal in the Nigger Traders Yard for three months, witnessing black slaves getting auctioned off in a normal process of being picked as the bidding chose. On a micro-level of evaluating, however, as modeled in the novel through Paul D who receives equivalent meanness when the schoolteacher determines to have him sold at a fixed value, there consequently arises a piercing realization of manhood, independence, and dignity taken off the fundamental self which comes between statistical scales that listed slaves of commerce on record like non-living objects. To some, due perhaps to diverse probability of looking at common experience, it came rather less harsh despite the presence of whipping overseers up and about the place. An interview with an Arkansas captive named Nellie James revealed what was otherwise seldom type of master, with James stating that hers was reasonably kind to all his subjects and that her husband shared a proportional sentiment at the time their freedom from being held as a property was declared in youth. Sethe, on the other hand, meets up the instant when she draws in further consciousness on how the Sweet Home manages to program their situations such that the menial laborers would be far from taking offense of them. Such discovery that grants proof to the schoolteacher’s inhumane treatment makes her taste repugnance especially on coming to fully discern that she is not in control of her life and children in the plantation. A few other narratives showed having undertaken parallel idea of reaching this much sensibility where most had gone mad at thinking of a way to escape. There were also those who claimed knowing slave women, ranging from mere acquaintance to close relatives, who

Monday, October 28, 2019

The various types of communication Essay Example for Free

The various types of communication Essay Types of communication People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and its context in which it is being sent. Choice of communication channel and your style of communicating also affect communication. So, there is variety of types of communication. Types of communication based on the communication channels used are: 1.Verbal Communication: Verbal communication refers to the the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally; communication is done by word of mouth and a piece of writing. Objective of every communication is to have people understand what we are trying to convey. Verbal Communication is further divided into: Oral Communication Written Communication 2.Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. We can say that communication other than oral and written, such as gesture, body language, posture, tone of voice or facial expressions, is called nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is all about the body language of speaker. Classification of nonverbal communication 1)Body Language ( Kinesics) 2)Touching ( Haptics) 3)Personal Space and distance ( Proxemics) 4)Use of Time (Chronemics) 5)Tone of Voice (Paralanguage) 6)Physical environment ( physical Context) Kinesics: Kinesics is the most often studies and important area of non verbal communication and refers to body movements of any kind. Different body movements can express inner states of emotion. The different body movements are Facial expressions, Eye Movements, Gestures, Head movements, Posture, Physical appearance Haptics: Haptics refers to communication through touch. We can use touch to communication affection, assurance, familiarity, comfort, sympathy and other emotions. Touching can be interpreted as an assault. Hence we must use tuch as a communication tool carefully. Touching is used for the following purpose Working, Greeting, Establishing Friendships, Guiding, Managing interactions Proxemics: Proxemics is derived from the word ‘Proximity’ or closeness and is the communication term for personal space and distance. The space and distance which we choose to keep from people is also part of non verbal communication. Each of us has our own inner and outer circle, which differ for different people. The different types of spaces are as follows Intimate space, Personal Space, Social and public space, Fixed Space, Semi – fixed space Chronemics: Chronemics refers to the study of usage of time. This includes our attitudes towards punctuality and willingness to wait. It also deals with the manner in which we structure our tim and interactions. Perception of importance of time varies between individuals and cultures. Paralanguage: Para means ‘like’ or ‘similar’ to ‘, therefore paralanguage means ‘like language’ of all the forms of non verbal communication, paralanguage is closest to verbal communication. It refers to the tone of voice with which something is said. In other words, it is ‘how’ something is said , and not ‘what’ is said . the tone of voice includes the pitch ( high or low pitch), the pace ( slow or fast) the emphasis on words and the volume (soft or loud)Â  and can convey different moods and emotions. Physical context: Physical context refers to physical environment or surroundings within which we communicate. This includes the following aspects: Colour and layouts, Designs, Space Management, Location, Distance

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Theory of Justice Presented by John Rawls Essay -- inequalities, f

In A Theory of Justice John Rawls presents his argument for justice and inequality. Rawls theorizes that in the original position, a hypothetical state where people reason without bias, they would agree to live in a society based on two principles of justice (Rawls 1971, 4). These two principles of justice are named the first and second principles. The first is the equal rights and liberties principle. The second is a combination of the difference principle and the fair equality of opportunity principle, or FEOP (Rawls 1971, 53). Rawls argues that inequality will always be inevitable in any society (Rawls 1971, 7). For example, there will always be a varied distribution of social and economic advantages. Some people will be wealthier than others and some will hold places of greater importance in society. Rawls’s argument is that to ensure the stability of society the two principles of justice are needed to govern the assignment of rights and regulate the inequality (Rawls 1971 , 53). Any infringement of an individuals rights or inequality outside the parameters of the principles of justice are unjust. In order to understand Rawls, one has to understand the theoretical concept of the original position. It lays the groundwork for Rawls’s argument by providing a foundation for society. Calling it a state where people reason without bias is a very general definition that does not at all fully explain all of the different aspects of the original position. The original position, according to Rawls, has to do with a social contract (Rawls 1971, 11). People agree to rules in society that are pursuant to their own general well being. However, they decide on these rules behind what Rawls calls a veil of ignorance. Behind this veil of ignor... ... his principles of justice to evaluate such an inequality. If rights were not being infringed then he would immediately move on to the second principle criteria. In this scenario, if the workers were getting the greatest benefit then the inequality presented would be justified. For example, if the corporation were putting the increased profits into safer equipment for its workers, or providing insurance, compensation, etc. then it could be said that the inequality is justified. However, if the corporation were keeping it’s profits then the workers are least advantaged, but not getting the greatest benefit, so the inequality would be unjust in Rawls eyes. Allowing the inequality to continue would lead to instability in society and it would violate Rawls’s principles. â€Æ' Works Cited Rawls, John. A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Belknap of Harvard UP, 1971. Print.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Relationship Between Richard II and The Myrroure for Magistrates Es

The Relationship Between Richard II and The Myrroure for Magistrates The relationship between Richard II and The Myrroure for Magistrates is considered here predominantly in the context of the differences between the two texts.[1] The function of each text is discussed initially, the didactic purpose of the Myrroure contrasted with the function of Shakespeare’s play as, primarily, theatrical entertainment. The conflicting accounts of certain events from Richard’s reign are looked at subsequently and the manner in which they reflect the different function of the texts. Finally, consideration is given to the different way in which the Myrroure and Richard II each reflect upon the theme of kingship through their portrayal of Richard’s reign. In relation to each of these points of discussion, it is argued that Richard II delivers a more complex, multi-dimensional portrayal of character, events and themes than the Myrroure. The Myrroure is imbued with moral didacticism and Richard II’s reign is employed to encourage rulers to govern virtuously and lawfully. Rulers must abide by ‘right’ and ‘lawe’ (l. 32), observe ‘faythful counsayle’ (ll. 35) and beware ‘false Flatterers’ (l. 33). Richard, however, is portrayed as a king who ‘ruled all by lust’ (l.31), ‘passing not a straw’ (l. 35) to those who sought to counsel him. He himself recounts how ‘I set my mind to feede, to spoyle’ (l. 37) and ‘my realme I polde’ (l.41), as a result of which he was ‘brought to care’ (l. 30). The form of the poem reinforces its didactic function. The use of a single voice results in a largely one-dimensional portrayal of Richard, no allowance made fo... ... Johnson (eds.), A Shakespeare Reader: Sources and Criticism, Macmillan Press Ltd., London: 2000, pp.7-9. Throughout this discussion the extract is referred to as ‘the Myrroure’. [2] ‘Telling’ refers to the technique of having a narrator telling what happens while ‘showing’ permits the reader to see the character act and speak. For a discussion of these two terms, applied in the context of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, see Pam Norris, ‘Reading Pride and Prejudice’, in Dennis Walder, The Realist Novel, Routledge, London: 1995, pp. 33-34. [3] See Margaret Healy, ‘Richard II’ in Kiernan Ryan (ed.), Shakespeare: Texts and Contexts, Macmillan Press Ltd., Basingstoke: 2000, p. 50. [4] Ibid., p. 53. [5] See Katherin Eisman Maus, ‘Richard II’ in The Norton Shakespeare, p. 948. [6] Ibid., p.943.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Neoliberalism, A Very Short Introduction

Unilateralism a Very Short Introduction, is an excellent and concise presentation of the history and development of inalienable ideas. During the sass and 1 sass, the revival of the liberal ideas was known as inalienable. They spread around the world In a variety of size, forms and colors depending who, where and how Implemented them.The Washington Consensus MIFF, World Bank supported inalienable Ideas In the name of globalization and free markets, but at the end only benefited the insatiable reed of big financial institutions and multinational corporations. An Important part of these paper was dedicated to identify where this revival of ideas started, how they expanded through the world and the result and consequences of these policies. ABOUT THE AUTHORS Manfred B. Stager, is Professor of Global Studies and Director of the Globalize Research Centre at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia.His areas of expertise Include global studies, political and social theory, pe ace studies, and international politics. HIS most recent publications Includes The Rise of the Global Imaginary (POP, 2009) and Globalization: A Very Short Introduction (2nd deed, POP 2009). 1 Rave K. Roy, is a Lecturer of Global Studies and teaches International Development and Global Studies at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia. His research expertise is in economic policy and public policy.He Is the coeditor of Unilateralism: National and regional experiences with global Ideas (Rutledge, 2007) and author of Fiscal Policy from Reagan to Blair: The Left veers Right (Rutledge, 2004). 2 Manfred B. Stager and Rave K. Roy, Unilateralism a Very Short Introduction (Oxford, ENGLAND: oxford university press, 2010), 150. 2 Manfred B. Stager and Rave K. Roy, Unilateralism, 150. Unilateralism a Very Short Introduction, Book Review Manfred B. Stager and Rave K.Roy, the authors of Unilateralism a Very Short Introduction, made an excellent and concise presentation of the his tory and development of inalienable ideas. They wrote in simple and plain English and at the beginning of the book, they provided a very helpful list of abbreviations, charts, maps, and photographs. Even thought, the liberal ideas can be traced back to Adams Smith ND John Locke the latest revival of the liberal ideas occurred very recently. The first wave of liberal happened during the sass, a decade later there was a transformation of inalienable ideas.Even though, the two layers of inalienable ideas came at different times, the authors affirmed that they shared the same formula: â€Å"deregulation, liberalizing and prevarication,† were free markets and private initiative are the core ideological values. The main purpose of these paper was to investigate and bring to light where the inalienable ideas started, how the expanded wrought the world, and their consequences on the world economy. The revival of the inalienable ideas resurfaced on the United States and in Great Brita in during the sass.There were two waves of inalienable ideas, the two major exponents of the first wave of liberal economics were President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Stager et al, believed that â€Å"These political leaders not only articulated the core ideological claims of unilateralism but also sought to convert them into 3 Manfred B. Stager and Rave K. Roy, Unilateralism, 14. Public policies and programmed. 4 In addition, the second wave of liberal economic policies were propelled by Bill Clinton and Tony Blair. Both considered center left politicians, who favored the liberal ideas with a sense of social responsibility.Reagan and Thatcher, both opposed the Keynesian ideas of government interventionism. President Reggae's economic plan based on inalienable ideas was swoon as Ergonomics. While Reagan was committed to a â€Å"smaller, decentralized government†¦ ,† on the other side of the Atlantic, the Iron Lady set similar policies. On the se cond revival of liberal ideas, President Clinton and Premier Blair promoted half way approach to liberal ideas while they incorporated parts of a social progressive agenda associated with the left. 5 While Silicon's strategy was known as market globalize, Flair's policy was known as Third Way. According to Stager et al, during the his administration President Clinton, â€Å"†¦ Undertook some of the most comprehensive deregulatory reforms of the 20th century. For example, the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 removed the legal divisions between commercial and investment banking as well as those between insurance companies and brokerage houses, thus scrapping one of the angers of such profound deregulation of the finance sector would not become fully apparent until the global financial crisis of 2008-9. â€Å"7 On the other hand, Flair's Third Way highlighted â€Å"†¦ Lobar cooperation and conscientiousness through international institutions. † 8 In addit ion, Blair New Labor ideas were 4 Manfred B. Stager and Rave K. Roy, Unilateralism, 21 . 5 Ibid, 31-51. 6 Ibid, Preface. 7 Ibid, 61 . 8 Ibid, 51 . Supported by social progress of individual attainment, which translated on the successful development of the private sector. Additionally, Blair developed the idea that government responsibility to support the growth of the private sector could be mixed with the function of the government to provide social services.Out of the revival of these new liberal ideas resulted on the Frankincense manifestation of the Chicago Boys at the Chicago School of Economics, unilateralism. While most developed nations welcomed inalienable ideas, they were introduced into Eastern Europe and Russian under the recipe of Shock Therapy that almost bankrupted their economies. 10 On the other hand, most undeveloped countries were lackeyed by the MIFF and World Bank into accepting the inalienable principles as a pre-condition of granting much needed loans.Within u nilateralism we found ideas representing America's core values of liberty, freedom, and democracy, but those ideas were also adopted by criminal De Facto or Communist anti-democratic regimes such as Chile's Augusto Pinochle or China's former president Jinn Gemini. Which confirmed that the Washington Consensus, MIFF and World Bank represented the greed of powerful financial institutions and multinational corporations not the core values of America. As result of inalienable policies, there were successive financial Mexico was short of stop payment on its debt.Subcomponents Marco's, lead an armed revolt that brought to light Mexico greatest social inequalities. On 1998 the Asian financial crisis threatened to push the global economy into recession. As result of the crisis, the Asian countries stop 9 Ibid, 52. 10 Ibid, 53- 56. Importing oil from Russian which then turned into recession. The Russian economy recovered, but its democracy never did. Lead by Vladimir Putting eventually Russi a became an oligarchy. In South America Brazil faced a currency crisis, but its neighbor Argentina defaulted billions of dollars in public debt. 1 Africa countries also faced economic problems. Ghana suffered greatest social inequalities as result of the imposed MIFF inalienable recipes. On 2007, The United States, underwent the most serious economic financial crisis since the Great Depression. Yet, the country have not fully recovered. In conclusion, Stager et al, made a great presentation of the history, development and failure of liberal ideas into unilateralism. The book was reader friendly, any person with a minimum knowledge on international economy loud benefit from reading it.In the sass and the sass, the two waves of inalienable ideas shared the same formula of deregulation, liberalizing and prevarication. As result of those ideas, several financial crisis developed around the world and The United States was among the countries that was negatively affected. After two decade s of inalienable polices, the world and the US economy were in recession. Some of those recessions were severe enough to bring the world into the brink of economic collapse. While America's reputation was damaged and its leadership position questioned internationally; at home, President George W.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Farley Mowat, Great Teller Of True Tales

Farley Mowat, a Canadian author, has realized great success throughout the world. His vast collection of published books and articles illustrate Canadian lifestyles, cultures, and environments, as seen through the eyes of an eccentric traveler. For adults, he writes books filled with underlying documentation ranging from the rapidly diminishing populations of both animals and natives in the north, to direct attacks on the Canadian federal government. For children, he writes tales of wonderful adventures filled with the curious and vital spirit of youth. These stories also find the barren arctic as the primary setting, but concentrate more on relationships and personal growth than politics. However, Mowat still incorporates a sense of realism in his works for children which provides the readers with a basic knowledge of the northern environment, its populations, and their habits and customs. It is this element of realism which has brought Farley Mowat under the magnifying glass, into a world of controversy and debate. Mowat is best known for his portrayals of the arctic region of Keewatin, where he personally spent time with the natives and the animals in their barren habitat. The research and experiences Mowat accumulated during his arctic retreat led to his first novel, People of the Deer (1952), a story which depicts the horrible conditions of the natives and their dwindling food supplies as a direct result of the Canadian federal government’s inaction (Goddard 49). The region of Keewatin also led to further of Mowat’s most popular books such as The Desperate People (1959), and Never Cry Wolf (1963). These books continued the arsenal on the federal government’s inability to protect its natives, while beautifully depicting the natural environment of the north. For children, Mowat uses Keewatin as a setting for adventure in Lost in the Barrens (1956), and the sequel The Curse of the Viking Grave (1966). These books team up a yo... Free Essays on Farley Mowat, Great Teller Of True Tales Free Essays on Farley Mowat, Great Teller Of True Tales Farley Mowat, a Canadian author, has realized great success throughout the world. His vast collection of published books and articles illustrate Canadian lifestyles, cultures, and environments, as seen through the eyes of an eccentric traveler. For adults, he writes books filled with underlying documentation ranging from the rapidly diminishing populations of both animals and natives in the north, to direct attacks on the Canadian federal government. For children, he writes tales of wonderful adventures filled with the curious and vital spirit of youth. These stories also find the barren arctic as the primary setting, but concentrate more on relationships and personal growth than politics. However, Mowat still incorporates a sense of realism in his works for children which provides the readers with a basic knowledge of the northern environment, its populations, and their habits and customs. It is this element of realism which has brought Farley Mowat under the magnifying glass, into a world of controversy and debate. Mowat is best known for his portrayals of the arctic region of Keewatin, where he personally spent time with the natives and the animals in their barren habitat. The research and experiences Mowat accumulated during his arctic retreat led to his first novel, People of the Deer (1952), a story which depicts the horrible conditions of the natives and their dwindling food supplies as a direct result of the Canadian federal government’s inaction (Goddard 49). The region of Keewatin also led to further of Mowat’s most popular books such as The Desperate People (1959), and Never Cry Wolf (1963). These books continued the arsenal on the federal government’s inability to protect its natives, while beautifully depicting the natural environment of the north. For children, Mowat uses Keewatin as a setting for adventure in Lost in the Barrens (1956), and the sequel The Curse of the Viking Grave (1966). These books team up a yo...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Culture Identity Essays - Anthropology, Science Fiction Literature

Culture Identity Essays - Anthropology, Science Fiction Literature Culture Identity Many people go to different countries. Some of them go for school, some others go for business and some others go for living. However, some people adapt well to a new environment and others retain their original culture identity. I think adapting to a new culture or environment depends on three main reasons: background culture, where they stay, and their personality. The first reason is the background culture of people. There are many people who don't like their own culture or environment. They try to run away or change their culture. Therefore, it would be easier for those people to adapt to a new culture or environment. For example, many Russian people especially businessmen don't like the business system in their country. Their system is Communism, which means that the government controls all the production and distribution of goods. Therefore, when many Russian people go to a new environment or new culture, the United States for instance, they find it better than their country because it has a different system. The United States' system is Capitalism, which means that any person can be a private ownership. Therefore, it may be easier for those people to adapt a new culture or a new environment. For example, in The Plane Reservation, Massud Farzan states that he has stayed in the United States for a long time before he visited his family in Iran. When he arrived in Iran, he found a lot of changes. It can be understood that the writer didn't like his country and his culture before he left to the United States. When he lived in the United States, he found the right place for him that made it very easy for him to adapt to the American culture. Therefore, the background culture of people has a lot of effects on adapting to a new culture. The second reason might be where people stay the most. Some people think that when a person lives in a new culture, he or she can easily adapt to the new culture. However, they forget that with whom they stay the most in the new culture can make a difference. If a person stays mostly with his or her own people, it may be very hard for that person to adapt to the new culture because he or she would not learn the new culture by staying with people from that culture. On the other hand, he or she can easily retain to their original culture identity because they would not know much about the new culture. For example, there are many Hispanic people living in the United States. Some of them don't even know how to speak English. It is because they stay mostly with people from the same culture, speak the same language and do not communicate much with American people. That all can make it very hard for some people to adapt to a new culture. Therefore, the people and the community that a person stays with have a lot of effects on adapting to a new culture. The third reason is the personality of a person and where he or she has learned it. It might be sometimes very hard to adapt to a new culture whose people act and behave differently. For example, from the first week I've arrived in the United States coming from the United Arab Emirates, I lived in a school dormitory. However, I couldn't stay longer than a month in the dormitory. It was not because of the small room or one kitchen in each floor, but it was because of the bathrooms. Whenever I wanted to take a shower, I saw men naked, and they walk around in the bathroom without any underwear on. It was very surprising for me because I've come from a country where people consider walking naked in bathroom is a very bad habit. I could not stand or adapt to living in the dormitory anymore. Therefore, I moved to a three-bedroom apartment with two roommates from the same culture so that we could understand each other easily. Even though I've been in the United States for about five years, I still don't want to see naked men in the bathrooms. Therefore,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write a Term Paper

How to Write a Term Paper Writing a term paper is something that many students see as a problem nowadays. With the increasing burden of homework and, sometimes, part-time jobs, students can hardly find the time to do such things. How to write a term paper? This is probably the first question that comes into the minds of students when they are about to write a term paper. In order to write a good term paper, keep in mind that the instructions given by the teacher are your main concern. Keep the following points in mind and follow these steps to write a good term paper: 1. Read your teacher’s instructions thoroughly and make sure you understand them; in case you have any kind of confusion, ask the teacher immediately. Do not hold this on to the next day or the days after it. 2. Read the teacher’s instructions again and try to remember them throughout the writing of your term paper. 3. One hard-and-fast rule in writing term papers is that always keep in mind; ‘tomorrow never comes’! Do what is to be done then and there and do not leave it off to future dates. You will get more time for revising this way. 4. Gather as much material as you can, giving special care to the books, websites etc. that the teacher has already mentioned. You should keep these after submitting the assignment for future reference. 5. Take good care of the presentation of your term paper. An easy to read font and font size and color make the assignment look a lot better. Add a figure, picture or photograph if required. After all, a book may not be judged by its cover but term papers surely are! For more information about term papers and help about how to write them, visit our website.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Changes in the US and national poverty rates Essay

Changes in the US and national poverty rates - Essay Example It means that 37.3 million people were poor in the year 2007 and in the year 2006 the figures touched upon 36.5 million poor people (DeNavas-Walt, et al 2008). As per the figures published in the Bureau of Census report, nearly 43.6 million comprised of all shades of Americans, were facing deep poverty in the year 2009. It has increased comparatively if we take into account the poverty of 39.8 million in the year 2008. This has increased 15.1% in the year 2010. In the year 2009, it was 14.3% (DeNavas-Walt, et al 2010). A chart is displayed as under showing the census report regarding poverty ratio increase. The poverty ratio reportedly varies from segment to segment. In white, it is 9.9 percent. In Blacks, it is 27.4 percent. The people living, in deep-rooted poverty is around 6.7 percent. The increasing poverty rate speaks itself, the ineffective economic policy by the incumbent of present regime and the incumbent of yester regimes. The recession and multiple challenges of employment have a direct bearing on poverty numbers. According to the Census Bureau, household income declined by 2.3 percent between 2009 and 2010. Since 2007, household income declined by 6.4 percent. The number of male who were on full time job, year around decreased by 6.6 million since 2007 and the number of female who were on full time job, round the year decreased by 2.8 million. The government assistance although mitigated some of the worst affects (DeNavas-Walt, et al 2010). In accordance with the census, nearly 3.2 million people have been benefited from Social Security Insurance. However, food stamp program was not accounted for. These figures portray only a small portion of families and communities throughout the country who at the hands of poverty suffered a lot in terms of mental and physical health. Center on Budget, Policy and Priorities impressively highlighted, the misery of people living in poverty (DeNavas-Walt, et al 2010). It is evident

Friday, October 18, 2019

Vin Diesel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vin Diesel - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Vin Diesel is an incredibly well-known actor for his big-budget movie roles in movies like â€Å"xXx,† â€Å"The Fast and the Furious† and other such large-scale action movies.   Probably the greatest sign that Vin Diesel is not at all who you thought he was from his big budget films comes from the film â€Å"Multi-Facial† which he wrote, directed and starred in when he was unable to be cast in any movies in Hollywood.   This is a film about how it can be very hard for someone with a multi-ethnic background to be cast into movies, because they will either be called â€Å"too white† or â€Å"too black† for a lot of the parts, and though they could possibly pass for Hispanic they do not have the accent or the language skills to keep up with real Hispanics in a film role.   Vin Diesel did almost every part of this film himself for a budget of only $4000, and it was eventually accepted into the Cann es Film Festival in 1995.   Vin Diesel even wrote and performed all of the music for this piece, showing that he really has a wide array of talents.   At the Cannes Film Festival, Steven Spielberg saw this film and was truly impressed, and eventually decided to write a part for Diesel in the incredibly well received Saving Private Ryan.   Added to this is Vin Diesel’s amazing amount of popular appeal.   He has been a star in a lot of highly successful Hollywood movies, most notably â€Å"xXx† and â€Å"The Fast and the Furious.†Ã‚  

Find all Details below Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Find all Details below - Research Paper Example Number of researches have been carried out to understand the role of these factors in the decision making process regarding various business related issues. However, most of these studies fail to provide a proper understanding regarding the effects of these factors in the context of a particular country. This paper includes a proposal of a research that will be conducted in order to gain insight into the role of different micro as well as macro environmental factors that are likely to impact the businesses which are operating in Australia. This research proposal is consisted of the principle aims and objectives of the research. Furthermore, it also includes the literature review, thesis structure as well as the expected outcomes of the actual research that will be carried out in near future. The research is expected to be very useful for the individuals from the both industry and academia as the focus will be on a particular country i.e. Australia. Purpose and Aims The central aim of the research is to identify the major macro and micro economic factors that are capable of influencing a particular organization in Australia. In addition to this another main objective of this research is to find out the ways in which the decision making process regarding the marketing of a particular company or its product or brand can be impacted by these factors. The main focus of the research will be on the strategic marketing decisions of a firm in a sense that how such decisions are impacted by the various environmental factors. The major research questions are properly mentioned below – 1. What are the major micro and macro environmental factors that are capable of impacting the business in Australia? 2. How the macro and micro economic environment of Australia impact the strategic marketing decisions of an organization in the particular country? Literature Review Success or failure of any research is greatly impacted by the theoretical base of it. In order to analyz e the theoretical background, a review of literature is conducted. No research can be said to be a completed one without the proper review of literature. As far as this research is concerned there are several theoretical aspects that will be properly analyzed. Two of the most important aspects in the context of this research are strategic marketing and macro and micro environmental factors. Preliminary study shows that marketing decisions at the strategic level make significant difference. On the other hand there are number of macro environmental factors such as culture, politics, economy, technology, society etc. that may influence the performance of a marketing campaign. Extensive literature regarding strategic marketing as well as several of the above mentioned factors is likely to be available in different books, journals and magazines. These sources can be accessed both online as well as offline. However, investigation regarding the academic theory of these aspects should be ma de limited. Marketing is a vast concept and hence it is not feasible to get into all the aspects of it. In fact, the focus will be on strategic marketing while searching the literature. On the other side, only relevant literature will be searched

Thursday, October 17, 2019

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - assignment 2 - Essay Example The waterfall model here helps in processing the individual steps before stepping into another one. It incorporates this stepwise approach into an iterative framework that more realistically reflects the real world. The waterfall model is accommodated where there is low specification risk and no need for prototyping for risk resolution. Thus the activities of the second quadrant of the spiral model can be skipped. In another pass of the loop the same stages are revisited and both the waterfall and prototyping model works once again. 1. Data design: It transforms the information domain model created during analysis into the data structures that will be required to implement the software. The data objects and relationships defined in the entity relationship diagram and the detailed data content depicted in the data dictionary provide a basis for data design activities. 2. Architectural design: It defines the relationship between major structural elements of the software, the â€Å"design patterns† that can be used to achieve the requirements that have been designed by the system. It represents the framework of a computer based system and can be derived from the system specification, the analysis model and the interaction of the subsystems defined within the analysis model. 4. Component level design: It transforms structural elements of the software architecture into procedural description of software components. Information obtained from the project specification, control specification and state transition diagram serve as a basis for component design. 1. The subsystem Layer: It contains a representation of each of the subsystems that enable the software to achieve its customer-defined requirements and to implement the technical infrastructure that supports customer requirements. 2. The class and object layer: It contains the class hierarchies that enable the system to be created using generalizations and increasingly more targeted specializations. This layer

Importance of Web Marketing in Tourism Marketing Promotion Case Study

Importance of Web Marketing in Tourism Marketing Promotion - Case Study Example The investiture of additional resources in the Brazilian tourism industry has significantly expanded it, generating 5 million new jobs between 1996 to 2002 (Weaver, 2005). These investments are focused on â€Å"bettering management of natural and cultural resource; searching of more quality in delivering tourism services; developing promotion of tourism activities by gathering governmental and private initiatives; implementing basic infra-structure appropriated to regional potentialities, and investing in professional qualification† (EMBRATUR, 2001 cited in Theobold, 2004, p. 98). On the international side, the government noticed that the most viable sources of tourists are South American countries, Western European countries, the United States, and Japan, respectively. In 2000, Visit Brazil committees were established in several of those countries. According to EMBRATUR, those committees have participated in trade shows and sought to bring international investments to the Brazilian tourism industry (cited in Theobold, 2004). However, it appears that the improvements, when compared to the potentialities of the country, still represent relatively small numbers. According to the PNT - Politica Nacional de Turismo/National Tourism Policy - two international markets are considered of great importance to Brazil's tourism industry: Europe (Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, and the UK) and the United States. Between 1997 and 2000, the relative market share of Europe and U.S. tourists in Brazil has been constant: 25 percent from Europe and 12 percent from the U.S. (PAC, 2002). EMBRATUR (2001) maintains that tourism has not reached its perceived potential because the Brazilian government belatedly recognized its potential as a driver of economic growth and development. It was only by 1996 that the Government began to understand the importance of the enormous tourist potential in Brazil. It also realized that it would need to establish a strong administration for tourism promotion and development in order to fully capturing the tourism potential. At that time, the national tourism policy was drafted with definitions of macro strategies for both domestic and international markets (EMBRATUR, 2001 cited in Theobold, 2004).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - assignment 2 - Essay Example The waterfall model here helps in processing the individual steps before stepping into another one. It incorporates this stepwise approach into an iterative framework that more realistically reflects the real world. The waterfall model is accommodated where there is low specification risk and no need for prototyping for risk resolution. Thus the activities of the second quadrant of the spiral model can be skipped. In another pass of the loop the same stages are revisited and both the waterfall and prototyping model works once again. 1. Data design: It transforms the information domain model created during analysis into the data structures that will be required to implement the software. The data objects and relationships defined in the entity relationship diagram and the detailed data content depicted in the data dictionary provide a basis for data design activities. 2. Architectural design: It defines the relationship between major structural elements of the software, the â€Å"design patterns† that can be used to achieve the requirements that have been designed by the system. It represents the framework of a computer based system and can be derived from the system specification, the analysis model and the interaction of the subsystems defined within the analysis model. 4. Component level design: It transforms structural elements of the software architecture into procedural description of software components. Information obtained from the project specification, control specification and state transition diagram serve as a basis for component design. 1. The subsystem Layer: It contains a representation of each of the subsystems that enable the software to achieve its customer-defined requirements and to implement the technical infrastructure that supports customer requirements. 2. The class and object layer: It contains the class hierarchies that enable the system to be created using generalizations and increasingly more targeted specializations. This layer

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in Prion Protein Alleles renders Essay

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in Prion Protein Alleles renders susceptibility or resistance to Natural Scrapie in sheep - Essay Example Among these 3 codons there are 5 alleles generated that causes resistance and 3 alleles generated that causes susceptibility to the disease. Therefore, genotype of the breeds may dictate susceptibility or resistance to scrapie. Scrapie can be highly infectious and transmissible among similar species. But being a genetic disease, only individuals that are susceptible in the prion protein (PrP) gene could be infected, regardless of any environmental factors. The objective of this research is to analyze each species genotype as to their genetic make up for alleles. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the genotype of the three codons mentioned earlier, renders sheep susceptible or resistant to the disease. The research will involve the genotypic comparison of two breeds of sheep: The Awassi flock and The North Country Cheviot flock, to see which genotype of the two breeds resembles the disease allele the most. DNA extraction and amplification will be done through PCR amplification. F urthermore, identification of the nucleotide sequences that closely resemble those of the disease allele will be determined using methods of restriction enzymes and specific primer binding sites. PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose of this study is to identify sheep susceptibility and resistance for scrapie from two different breeds based strictly on genotypic variations due to single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at codons 136, 154 and 171. The primary reason for carrying out this research is to increase awareness about the fatal neurological disease in order to encourage farmers and breeders to take proper measurements in identifying the correct symptoms and to use proper sterile techniques to minimize transmission of the disease from environmental factors. More drastically, with no treatment or cure for scrapie, breeders can anticipate selective breeding to eradicate scrapie by mating a resistant ram (ARR) with any ewe. Thus, it will assure a resistant genotype for scrapie in the offspri ngs. Although selective breeding showed to have a few successes in the past, the method is not guaranteed to work every time, since factors such as mutation and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) render the animal susceptible to acquiring the disease upon interaction. INTRODUCTION Scrapie is a dangerous, degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system (CNS) of sheep and goats. The disease is also referred to as la tremblante (French: trembling), Traberkrankheit (German: trotting disease), or rida (Icelandic: ataxia or tremor) (Detwiler 1992). The disease was first recognized as affecting sheep in Great Britain and other countries of Western Europe over 250 years ago. The earliest definite record of the incidence of scrapie was in Britain in 1732. Following this event, there were accounts of a scrapie-like disease occurring in the Dorset Horn, Wiltshire Horn and Norfolk Horn breeds in England between 1750 and the early 1800s. Scrapie progressed in becoming a major problem in the English Suffolk breed around 1950, leading to successive financial loss in flocks. In 1938, first report of the disease was identified in Canada and since then there have been over 167 flocks in 6 Canadian provinces with confirmed cases of classical scrapie (Plummer 1946). In general, there is a gradual development of clinical cases of scrapie that have been recorded in many regions around the world; notable exceptions are Australia and New Zealand. This is due

Harlem a Dream Deferred â€Explanation Essay Example for Free

Harlem a Dream Deferred –Explanation Essay The poem by Langston talks about the fate of dreams that are never fulfilled. The poem is a metaphorical depiction of the disappointment of the ‘black population’ in Harlem. In the poem the dream refers to the hopes of the black people which were opportunity, better living conditions freedom from racism. However the expectations were dashed by conditions of overpopulation exploitation. In the poem, Langston describes the fate of an unfulfilled dream by comparing it to a raisin that shrivels in the sun and ultimately disappears. Here the Sun represents time. The unfulfilled dream may become a sickening reminder of ones failure by ‘stinking like rotten meat’ or it may just crust over with sugar. This last statement here means that society may cover unmet goals with a veil of normalcy. The act is superficial because on the surface the problem may appear to have disappeared. However it would always remain since the root cause was never eradicated. The last line â€Å"Or does it explode? is quite ominous and as it highlights the severity of a postponed dream. Here the poet compares the oppressed black people who have been denied yet another dream as a ticking bomb ready to explode.

Monday, October 14, 2019

New Era Of Science And Technology

New Era Of Science And Technology In this new era of science and technology, it is very difficult to imagine people working without assistance of computers. Our dependency on computers has led to the rapid development of faster, smaller microprocessor, multi-tasking software and better graphics cards for them. Computes already become a daily activities needs for personal, social, educational, professional, and entertainment purposes. Today video game are very famous, almost 75% of heads of household play computer or video game and game habit can found in everywhere such as working desktop, palm-held device with or without network connection. In this case, video games allow learners to visual system in three dimensions compare simulation with their understanding and manipulate variables. This paper intend to present ongoing research on feasibility of game technology to create interactive 3D environment that easier for user to view the photorealistic of the campus and immersive navigation as a tool for campus analysis and visualization. 3D campus now is the famous virtual reality environment in this new era. By using such game engine, it is possible to create engaging interaction such as user clicking on particular object, AI on Non Playing Character to interact with player and/or environment. At the end, I will present the feature of the game engine. The advantages and the limitation of using game engine to develop a virtual reality environment. Why Virtual Reality Environment for Campus In this new era, Virtual Reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. VR include a wide range of new technologies that offer the viewer an experience they participate in. Besides, people can see a first person perspective on screen because they have the ability to control their point of view. VR engages us with interactivity, and invites us to be active in the experience, as if we are really there. VR has already been used in special applications to treat motor problems, or disabilities induced by mental problems with promising results and so on. Nowadays, VR is a new way of optimization between computer and human. Because VR can construct more realistic virtual world in 3D vision, audible, tactile. It can also help users to through the virtual environment to interact to the virtual entities designed through a nature feeling. 3Ds Max is a software to create virtual world, which can describe 3D object. Users normally construct virtual world by integrating various media style such as text, picture, and sound and so on. We are using 3Ds Max to build modeling of TAR college. Because 3Ds Max is more expressive that a simple 3D scene. It can show campus scenery through the net. Users can virtually walk into campus, feeling the nature entities of campus scene. Besides, users can acquaint him with each buildings relative position and its function. In every building user can learn by in teractive materials. Features like these are very important for those are fresh and foreign users can also login the net to explore out virtual campus. What is Game Engine? Game engines provide a suite of visual development tools in addition to reusable software components. These tools are generally provided in an integrated development environment to enable simplified, rapid development of games in a data-driven manner. Game Engine provide flexible and reusable software platform which provides all the core functionality needed, complexities, to develop a game application while reducing costs, and time-to-market. Game engines usually provide platform abstraction, allowing the same game to be run on various platforms including game consoles and personal computers with few, if any, changes made to the game source code. Some game engines are able to provide real-time 3D rendering capabilities instead of the wide range of functionality required by games. These types of engines are considered as graphics engine, rendering engine, or 3D engine instead of the more encompassing term game engine. Unity 3D also considers as a multi-platform game development tool. It is fully object-oriental design and FPS (First Person Shooter) controller ready to program. Unity 3D consist of API for develop RTS (Real Time Strategy) and FPS type of game genre. Benefit of Game Engine Game engines offer several of features and opportunities:- Tracking and logging of individuals and their behavior if the world is represented digitally, it can be recorded precisely. Security features individuals may be prevented from entering certain parts of the world, in fact, the engine could restrict anything they do; Vandalism in the real world, reconstructing a demolished building is essentially impossible whereas in a digital world it is not; Detachment users cannot harm each other physically because they are probably in different parts of the real world, and engulfed in a virtual one; Censorship the engine would be able to define what a certain individual can and cannot see, or what they can and cannot do; Empowering everyone share the same abilities independent of actual physical state; Reproduction if we record the world like a video, we could replay it at will, from any place at any time through any view. Comparison of Game Engines With the number of game engines increasing, today game engine provide the most advance features such as complex model, artificial intelligent, graphic engine, as well as networking, sound engine and modification tool. Most leading game engine based on game title namely: Unreal Tournament 3 and Half Life 2 has relatively equal ability in graphic engine, physic engine and development tool. These categories are essential in this research for its visualization and flexibility to modification although limited to game level only. Unity 3D is not based on game title and can be used to develop new game with game play, game logic and environment. Game Engine for Visualization Tool Game Engine can use to develop various natures of projects. Normally, the game world is built by importing its entire object from particular CAD/3D applications such as 3Ds Max. In this case, game engine usually comes with the game itself becomes a platform on which modification is taking place. Modifying game level for architecture visualization purpose is stimulating because it opens up the game engine for real time data rendering and manipulation. Game engines could quickly develop models and deploy it with texture and lighting effect in game engine-based application with no further demand on high-end computer specification Actually a lot of technical specification on each engine, I had focus on the findings some primary functions of game engine such as 3D geometry data input/output, lighting and texture mapping. This consideration was taken mainly because those basic functions are the most significant functions that take advantage from the 3D rendering and animation software. The summary of this study is depicted by Table 1. Table 1 Summary of game engines for visualization. Engine Name Geometries I/O Lighting Texture Mapping Unreal Engine 2 Built-in editor, any CAD data must be converted Dynamic lighting and shadow, HDR (High Dynamic Range) Rendering 3D vegetation generator, shader management Source-Half-Life 2 No built-in editor, any CAD data must be converted Dynamic lighting and shadow, HDR (High Dynamic Range) Rendering Optimization for large open area CryEngine Natively read most of CAD file format Dynamic lighting and shadow, Time of day lighting Heightmap and polygon reduction Game Engine for Interactivity Tool In addition to visualization, virtual environment also has provide users with interactive and communication systems. The virtual environment will only be useful if it supports physically realistic behavior. The types of realistic behaviors depend on the specific application. In architecture and campus design, usually we demand realistic representation of spatial environment with naturalistic effect as well as dynamic elements that inhabit it. Moreover, for interactive tool that could enhance spatial awareness and comprehension to further make better design decision, it is important to consider how user can interact with game objects. In this case, I found that two previous projects are using built-in interactivity tool in game engines. Since interactivity is the element that is not provided by any 3D rendering and animation software, it is easy to us to use this function to enhance the quality of architecture visualization. Table 2 Summary of game engines for interaction. Engine Name Interactivity function HalfLife 2 Built-in interaction editor, limited only for non-playable objects. Basic navigation provided. Renderware C++ script to build interaction with objects and users Both of these game engines are ease for use. Scripting mechanism is the main issue to create the interactivity by using game engine. For use in campus design, interaction system is based on the assumption that we can observe, examine as well as explore in 3D in real world whatever objects or entities we want to interact with. This kind of demand may require script programming in order to get high flexibility and freedom to achieve goals. APPLICATIONS Following are some applications that can create by Game Engine:- Entertainment Game engines exist purely for the purpose of gaming and entertainment but a huge industry exists around not just the content of the game, but the technology behind them. Innovations because of internet have led to a huge surge for online gaming, where a number of players owning the same game compete head-to-head or with each other in the same game environment. Warfare American army cadets already use games to practice tank and infantry battles either individually or as teams. Real practice sessions in real tanks are expensive, whereas a game world is easily reset within a few moments. The American government developed a game that would accurately recreate the operations of the U.S. Army, with the intention of signing on new recruits. Battles are fought in a full 3D world between groups of people with an internet connection. Medicine 3D games (specifically for gaming) are used as relaxants if a patient is undergoing a painful procedure, pre-occupying that patient with a game served by a VR headset can cut their perception of pain in half. The effect is not as significant if the patient is playing in 2D or in a non-immersive world. Exhibitions Digitalo Studios developed two exhibitions using the Unreal game engine: high resolution walkthroughs of the Notre Dame and the Florida Everglades National Park. The intent was to replicate the environments and populate them with simple characters. There are many reasons to use a licensed game engine in this context by default, they include a powerful renderer, interactivity and multi-user features. The target platform is identical a standard PC. Impact on 21st Century Classroom There are multiple barriers to properly implementing game design into the 21st century classroom. Highlighted below are six primary obstacles which will need to be addressed prior to utilizing game design broadly in our college: Negative perceptions toward video games as educational components. Much of this comes from a lack of understanding of educators of the difference between arcade style video games to more complex role-playing, graphically dense, and cognitively viable modem games. The difficulty of providing state of the art graphics in educational video games. The students enthusiasm for gaming may be diminished if the quality of the graphics utilized in the classroom are not equivalent to the graphics they are used to seeing on home consoles. Lack of adequate computing hardware in the classrooms to run advanced video games a one-to-one student computer ratio is not in the near future. A school day divided by short class periods which hindered long term engagement in complex games. Researchers must determine if a student is interrupted while in the process of engaging in a learning objective within the gaming environment, do the interruptions interfere in the students learning process? The findings of this research will dictate the type of short activities that could be developed to align with the school day. A lack of real world affordances. A lack of alignment to state standards. Video games pre-aligned to state standards (where they exist) would have an easier time getting into our classrooms. Why Unity 3D? Unity3D is a software application and 3D game development environment. It can call as Game Engine. Unity 3D Game Engine allows users to create immersive, interactive, 3D games and simulations. However, the games and simulations that are created with Unity can be easily played on Linux and Windows computers, using either a web-browser plug-in, or running a self-contained executable program. Unity consider as GUI based and it can easily to imports 3D models and animation from a variety of 3D design software applications. Compared to many other game engines, Unity is relatively easy to learn, using it can still be used to develop rich and robust games and applications. Finally, Unity allows users to choose from a different of coding and scripting languages to program the interactivity and artificial intelligence components of the game. E.g. C# and JavaScript 4.2 Visualization Techniques In order to achieve graphic performance as appropriate as the most 3D rendering applications, we explored Unity3D capability to handle basic function such as large scale texture mapping and dynamic lighting (see Figure 5). The main factor taken into consideration is the balance between graphic performance and real-time simulation. Adjusting texture map with orthographic photograph Applying final texture in 3D mesh in Unity3D 3D Model in Blender, baked- lighting using ambience occlusion technique to render texture map Figure Procedure of texture mapping and baked-lighting. For such condition, there are two constraints of texture mapping to obtain greater performance both in graphics and game play (see Figures 6 7): 1. Texture size must be as small as possible and visually appropriate. 2. Texture must be layered with baked-lighting information to get lighting effect (ambient occlusion) during game play. -image size : original 1024 x 1024 pixel -memory consume : 652 KB -visual quality : high quality, antialiasing, detailed relief -image size : 512 x 512 pixel -memory consume : 170.7 KB -visual quality : appropriate quality, nearly no-difference from 1000 x 1000 pixel -image size : 256 x 256 pixel -memory consume : 42.7 KB -visual quality : poor and loose detail Figure Comparison of texture size. The Investigation on Using Unity3D Game Engine Texture Size and Memory Consumption Figure 7 Memory size comparisons Interaction Technique Virtual reality in game-based environment can categorize into two parts which are game world and game design. Game world consist of game environment and all game objects. Game design consists of game scenario that determines how the game will be played and how the game world would interact with the user or with other game objects. Intention on investigating Unity3D is to explore its ability as a tool for design study, how it different from any other available 3D applications or any 3D viewer and presentation authoring applications and what is the advancement (see Table 4). Therefore before we expand our investigation, we start with architecture design point of view. We regard game engine as an engine to develop our tool therefore it is important to consider aspects of design study to be incorporated in this application and at the same time investigating the method and technique to accommodate such requirements. Table 4 Game Design and requirement Game Design Unity3D- based application Other applications create 3D environment which visual quality balance with the game performance maximum visual quality for real world representation, i.e. : light and shadow, alpha channel, texture map, time-frame independent animation less visual quality features (VRML, Flash-based) create system of navigation which allow user to explore with maximum degree of freedom allow maximum degree of freedom to explore and navigate in virtual environment pre-programmed animation sequence (3D animation), less flexible freedom of movement (QuickTime VR) view direction, high degree of navigation system (Bentley-3D PDF) create system of navigation which allow user to examine particular object of interest in various way of perspectives method to enhance spatial comprehension view direction, high degree of navigation system (Bentley-3D PDF) create method to incorporate various type of information rich content and other data bounding technique require script language and server-based interaction (Flash-based) create method to accommodate flexible 3D data exchange method for 3D data interchangeable to external tool less flexible to perform data synchronization (Flash-based and other animation packages) create a method to translate conventional analysis study method to perform some basic visual-based analysis less flexible flexibility to expand game design Object-oriented programming 4.3.1 Navigation The navigation system is the main important to be considered in this application. As for a tool to examine 3D world, the main considerations of developing navigation system are: 1. It must be easy to learn, easy to remember and easy to use with maximum intuitive level as possible. 2. It must have rich features on minimum key input As navigation system is crucial both for exploration and comprehension of 3D environment, we then elaborate the design of navigation system into the following criteria: There are two main navigation systems: Human Eye View (HEV) (First Person Camera) and Bird Eye View (BEV). Both are triggered by mouse stroke on an icon. On each navigation method, instead of using icon-based navigation panel for pan, zoom, orbit and others (see Figure 8), each method has contextual button using mouse-keyboard stroke combination. In BEV: zoom: using mouse scroll wheel orbit: using mouse movement pan: using mouse left click and drag Figure Pan, zoom and orbital navigation using mouse In FPS, we use standard view navigation for FPS game (see Figure 9) : look and turn : using mouse movement walk forward : using key w walk backward : using key s slide left : using key a slide right : using key d Figure Turn/look and move toward direction using mouse and keyboard combination. All these navigation system are programmed using Unity3D JavaScript since it does not provide any built-in navigation system as available on previous web-based applications.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

where did all the yams go? :: essays research papers fc

What About All Those Yams? After all those stories and discussions about yams, I was curious to see what exactly Nigerians eat. As an agricultural society, most of their food comes from farming. They do have meat, but yams are the main food component of their diet. Most Nigerians eat a light breakfast and have their main meal in the late afternoon (Chroness). For meats, Nigerians have goat, cow, chicken, turkey, geese, guinea fowls, pigeon, fish, shrimp, crab, and other seafood. For fruits and vegetables, they have oranges, bananas, pineapples, tangerines, carrots, watermelons, guava, melons, limes, grape fruits, mangos, apple (tinier than American apples and pink and white in color), peppers, tomatoes, onions, peas, and many other things (Chroness). Yams, cocoyams and sweet potatoes are popular in Nigeria. Ah, those yams, also called isu. The image we, as Americans, conjure up when we think of yams is not the same as Nigerian yams. These yams can grown up to 7 feet long and weigh approximately 150 pounds. They have three (3) types of yams: white, yellow, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"water yamsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ (Gourmet). There are numerous ways to prepare and serve this abundant Nigerian food staple. However, they must be cooked, otherwise they are very toxic. Plain boiled yams, either white or yellow, are peeled, sliced up, usually into pieces about 3 centimeters, and boiled in water with salt. It is accompanied with vegetable oil, palm, oil, eggs, beans, and sometimes soup (Gourmet). Another popular meal is a variation of the above using boiled yams requires pounding the yams and forming small smooth balls with the them, it is eaten with vegetables, meat or fish soup. Nigerians also fry their yams. White or yellow yams are cut up into long thin squares and fried in vegetable oil or palm oil (Lipman). This is usually eaten by itself or occasionally as a side dish. Another dish is ojojo. This dish consists of cut up water yams that are fried in vegetable oil or palm oil. This dish is also usually eaten on its own(Recipes). Asaro is white or yellow yams peeled, sliced, and diced into small cubes, then cooked with ground tomatoes, peppers, sometimes meat, other spices, and comes out reddish in color (Recipes). Ikokore is similar to asaro, but it is made with different yams. Yes, there are different forms of yams! The water yam is softer in texture and, when cooked, it usually comes out a brownish color.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personal Profile of a Belly Dancer Essay -- Interview Essay

Personal Profile of a Belly Dancer Professor’s comment: The personal profile is a standard assignment, but students often struggle with it since it requires that they not only interview someone who is generally a stranger to them but also become an instant expert on their subject’s particular talent or expertise. In writing the piece, the student resisted the impulse to talk about her own experience and focused squarely on Shakar. In doing so she presents a vivid portrait of her subject and demystifies belly dancing. In the picture, Belinda Shakar wears a satin bra with sleeves and a split skirt that reveals the entire length of her leg as she lunges on the ground. Her eyes are swept in dark makeup, and on her lips sits a seductive smile. The Belinda holding the picture is decidedly non-exotic, wearing glasses, a sweatshirt, and two layers of workout pants. She scowls when a young man accidentally walks in to the just-ending belly dance class. â€Å"I don’t like to have men in here at all,† she says. This, from a woman who spends her evenings shaking her hips at restaurant patrons. Although she doesn’t like men ogling her classes, Belinda Shakar does not shy away from the sensual aspects of her dance. In fact, that’s what attracted her to belly dancing as a teenager. â€Å"I really liked the sensuality of the dance and even the blatant sexuality,† she says. She had been taking traditional dance classes in Los Angeles in hopes of becoming a performer but thought belly dance seemed more interesting than the styles she was learning. She finally switched to belly dance after injuring herself in a ballet class. The accident convinced her that ballet is unnatural: â€Å"It distorts the body and torments it. That is still my feeling o... ...lly dancers have to love the dance, because for all that work, dancers get little money—workshops with master dancers usually cost around seventy-five dollars, costumes average five hundred dollars each, and dancers are usually paid only fifty dollars for two and a half hours of work. But Belinda Shakar cannot imagine her life without dance: â€Å"I’ve gone through so many careers, but I’ve always stuck with belly dance. I’ve just been doing it for so long.† From dancing, she has found freedom in being in touch with her body and the healing powers of movement. She is now working as a massage therapist, helping others free up their bodies as well. For her, dance is about enjoying her body and expressing her sensuality, not entertaining others or making money. So she is not at all concerned about making it to the top. Besides, she says, â€Å"in belly dancing, there is no top.†

Friday, October 11, 2019

Homelessness Essay Introduction Essay

Attention grabber – makes sure audience is listening As today’s people face a world filled with global conflicts, disappearing jobs, and an increasing poverty in America, action is more crucial than ever. We know that hunger and homelessness are increasing epidemics plaguing in the U.S. Thesis (purpose statement) – tells audience what you want them to think or do We can end homelessness in the U.S by tackling its root causes-low wages and a lack of affordable housing-and by improving support services like TANIF, housing vouchers, and health care. Body First main idea – reason audience should agree with you hunger and homelessness are increasing epidemics plaguing in the U.S. Detail – Just last year, the national poverty rate rose to include 13.2% of the population. 1 in 7 people were at risk of suffering from hunger in the United States. In addition, 3.5 million people were forced to sleep in parks, under bridges, in shelter or cars. Detail Nearly 39% percent of kids under the age of 18 (1.3 million) are homeless. Detail 10% of the population is called â€Å"chronic† and remains without housing for extended periods of time on a frequent bias. (Transition sentence) However there are great effects on the homelessness. Second main idea – homelessness has a tremendous effect on a child’s education Detail approximately 87% of school-age homeless children and youth enrolled in school, although only about 77% attend school regularly. Detail The homeless youth is 1.5 times more likely to preform below gr ade level reading, spelling and math Detail fortunately, the law gives homeless students the right to stay in school and receive support so they can succeed. (Transition sentence) Yet there is a cost of the homelessness. Third main idea – final reason audience should agree the homelessness costs taxpayers. Detail the cost of homelessness can be quite high. Hospitalization, medical treatment, incarceration, police intervention, and emergency shelter can add up quickly, making it expensive for taxpayers. Detail according to surveys of homeless individuals.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Positive and negative imacts on environment

Humans are the cause for many problems on the environment, right? Actually, humans cause many positive effects In nature. The human race may have had many negative impacts on the environment, however we have also made an equal number of positive impacts. We have not yet made our environment the best it can be, but we are working hard to tix the problems. There is much more that can be done. The human race can be blamed for destroying our environment by doing things such as leaving trash on the beaches and polluting the air with car exhaust.By building on nd near beaches, humans are destroying the nesting grounds for sea turtles, birds, and other beach plants. We also tend to fish too much. While fishing, some people become very careless and sometimes destroy coral reefs that grow on the ocean floor. Humans wlll do anything to protect the beach. such as, building concrete barriers to prevent erosion. All these impacts we make on our environment are slowly turning into positive ones, b ecause of the steps we have begun to take to fix them. If we are trying to fix them our children will see the great effects we are making on the nvironment and want to follow our example.Humans have learned to increase the amount of crop yields to feed the hungry. In doing this we can have healthier humans that want to help get the environment back on track. Along with this idea we are also trying to use natural resources Instead of harsh chemicals, which In turn will create a positive impact on the environment. The fewer chemicals we put Into the environment the less chance we have of destroying our ozone layer. Also there will be less of a chance of contaminating our water, as well. Could having more crop ields be a positive effect on the environment?In many ways It can have a posluve effect on the environment, but in some other ways it can also harm it. It can help the environment by giving the insects and animals more food to survive. The more animals that survive the better the environment will be. Without the existence of animals there would be no environment for humans. In many ways this cant help the environment, one of these ways is because we humans want to try to keep the animals away from the crops. Why? They want more food. To do this we will have to se more chemicals.The more chemicals we use, the more negative impacts we put on the environment, rather than positive effects. In almost all situations, all we have to do Is choose whether or not we want to make a positive impact or negative Impact on the environment. Just remember when you make positive choices you will always get positive results back. positive and negative imacts on environment By ramyanp7 humans cause many positive effects in nature. The human race may have had many are working hard to fix the problems. There is much more that can be done. The loor.Humans will do anything to protect the beach, such as, building concrete are also trying to use natural resources instead of harsh ch emicals, which in turn will create a positive impact on the environment. The fewer chemicals we put into the be less ofa chance of contaminating our water, as well. Could having more crop fields be a positive effect on the environment? In many ways it can have a positive animals there would be no environment for humans. In many ways this can't help to do is choose whether or not we want to make a positive impact or negative impact Positive and Negative Imacts on Environment Humans are the cause for many problems on the environment, right? Actually, humans cause many positive effects in nature. The human race may have had many negative impacts on the environment, however we have also made an equal number of positive impacts. We have not yet made our environment the best it can be, but we are working hard to fix the problems. There is much more that can be done. The human race can be blamed for destroying our environment by doing things such as leaving trash on the beaches and polluting the air with car exhaust.By building on and near beaches, humans are destroying the nesting grounds for sea turtles, birds, and other beach plants. We also tend to fish too much. While fishing, some people become very careless and sometimes destroy coral reefs that grow on the ocean floor. Humans will do anything to protect the beach, such as, building concrete barriers to prevent erosion. All these impacts we make on our environment are slowly turning into positive ones, because of the steps we have begun to take to fix them.If we are trying to fix them our children will see the great effects we are making on the environment and want to follow our example. Humans have learned to increase the amount of crop yields to feed the hungry. In doing this we can have healthier humans that want to help get the environment back on track. Along with this idea we are also trying to use natural resources instead of harsh chemicals, which in turn will create a positive impact on the environment. The fewer chemicals we put into the environment the less chance we have of destroying our ozone layer.Also there will be less of a chance of contaminating our water, as well. Could having more crop fields be a positive effect on the environment? In many ways it can have a positive effect on the environment, but in some other ways it can also harm it. It can help the environment by giving the insects and animals more food to survive. The more animals that survive the better the environment will be. Without the existence of animals there would be no environment for humans.In many ways this can’t help the environment, one of these ways is because we humans want to try to keep the animals away from the crops. Why? They want more food. To do this we will have to use more chemicals. The more chemicals we use, the more negative impacts we put on the environment, rather than positive effects. In almost all situations, all we have to do is choose whether or not we want to make a positive impact or negative impact on the environment. Just remember when you make positive choices you will always get positive results back.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

President truman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

President truman - Essay Example He had assumed office at a time when the WWII had ended and the country’s priority had shifted from the war to domestic challenges which were multifold and needed to be addressed at the earliest. Truman’s Fair deal reforms basically addressed the 4 main areas of concern. According to Truman, the reforms program ‘symbolizes for me my assumption of the office of President in my own right’ ( It became known as the Fair Deal. The foremost was the unemployment. The America had recently come out with the long depression and even though its economy was growing by leaps and bound, labor situation was still grim and with war veterans coming back as heroes, the unemployment situation urgently needed to be addressed. Truman’s FDR enacted Employment Act in 1946 that was designed to provide full employment through creation of job opportunities and at the same time increased the minimum wages significantly to improve the living standard of the average Americans. Truman also introduced Housing Act that helped to remove slums and promoted affordable housing through low income houses, making special provision for war veterans. He also lengthened the rent control till 1951 to help those who were living in rented premises. Truman was the only president who really went out of his way to implement his welfare policies and introduce reforms, irrespective of the opposition in Congress thus earning the displeasure of many of his own colleagues. He had increased the social security provisions for the elderly and created committees and council of economic experts that would study and suggest measures to stabilize and improve overall economic conditions. Another very important area that Truman focused on was agriculture and farmers. Like President Roosevelt, Truman was also very concerned about the deteriorating conditions of farmers. His FDR1 made provisions for farmers and ensured standard

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The use of Knowledge in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The use of Knowledge in Society - Essay Example Moreover, it is based on the misconstrued nature of economic problems of the society and uses predefined assumptions, ignoring the changing social phenomenon that is inherently linked to social construction of society. The economic order thus, developed cannot be applied in general as it would not be able to address the problems of the diverse society. But this is not the only issue discussed within the article which has explored wide spectrum of knowledge and how it can be best utilized for the betterment of the society. It emphasizes that the implicit knowledge that exists across the populace need to be retrieved and applied within the planning process to make it more realistic. The precepts and concepts of knowledge are distinct in their diversity and changing formats and become important tools for widening the scope of utilization of the existing resources. The expanding database of knowledge is testament to the changes that are witnessed within the developing societies. Indeed, the propagation and application of knowledge is symbolic of advancing society. The myriad resources as well as the means of acquisition of knowledge therefore emerge as the central issue within the article. It is true that there is no permanent solution to the economic problems of the society mainly because the constantly changing environment creates new challenges for the people. It has to be constant endeavour for anticipating changes and how they would impact society at large.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Tourism Industry Trends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tourism Industry Trends - Essay Example Initially, most hoteliers and investors in the tourism industry thought that most consumers were not willing to pay for a premium greens service. This is major because of the high costs attached to these health-assuring services. However, if the developments in China are anything to go by, and especially considering the current environmental situation in Shanghai city, more and more consumers are even willing to pay double for the same service as long as it comes with the green concept in mind. The customers want to go green and to avoid the health hazards of living in an environment full of carbon gases and the thorny issue of the ever-increasing global warming, which has significant indices and effects in China.As such, most hoteliers in Shanghai are attracting more consumers than ever especially if the consumer realizes that they are adopting green practices. Some of the green practices adopted by these hoteliers include using the solar energy instead of coal for warming rooms and heating the water, using energy saving bulbs, recycling waste and sewerage water, and, adopting technology as a tool of communication instead of using printed papers for printing in an effort to save the trees and forests from extinction. This is major because China is the leading country in the world in industrialization, but its fast pace in industrial growth has detrimental effects on its environment. As such, the country has to conserve and guard jealously its forests reserves in order to have a countermeasure.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Code of Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Code of Ethics - Assignment Example 4. Free competition The banking and finance industry believes that free and fair competition is the basis of the free market economic system and avoids collusive, anti-competitive discussions and/or agreements with competitors. 7. Conflict of interest: private business interests. Employees who are the bank or financial institution employees owe their devotion to their employer. They must avoid participating in any decision, by or on behalf of their bank, which may affect any private business in which they have an interest unless they have disclosed the nature and extent of that interest to a relevant superior in the bank or financial institution. 8. Conflicts of interest: citizenship duties. "Banking employees who discharge citizenship responsibility through membership of public or quasi-public decision-making bodies (school boards, town councils, etc.) should be alert to possible conflicts of interest and declare any such conflict" (Frederick 157). 9. Customer privacy and employer information. ... 8. Conflicts of interest: citizenship duties. "Banking employees who discharge citizenship responsibility through membership of public or quasi-public decision-making bodies (school boards, town councils, etc.) should be alert to possible conflicts of interest and declare any such conflict" (Frederick 157). 9. Customer privacy and employer information. Employees must respect their employer's obligation to protect the confidentiality of customers' affairs. Similar respect must be paid to the privacy of fellow employees. In addition, certain information about the bank's or financial institution's plans, methods, and activities is considered by the employer to be proprietary and confidential and members must not disclose such information without proper sanction. 10. Inside information about the employers' affairs or those of customers shall not be used by employees for their own gain, or for that of others. The bank requires a heist level of confidentiality. 11. Employees are obliged to report any illegal behavior and actions. 12. Employees are obliged to report any illegal behavior and actions. 13. Banking employees shall not use their employment status to seek personal gain from those doing business or seeking to do business with their employer, nor accept such gain if offered. 14. Social responsibility Employees who are managers should give full consideration not only to traditional financial factors but also likely economic and social effects of their decisions (Frederick 154-155).

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Choose a professional career path such as CIMA, ACCA. and critical Essay

Choose a professional career path such as CIMA, ACCA. and critical evaluation of two professional bodies appropriate for your ca - Essay Example This body has an aim of ensuring that that the growth of accountancy is that of influence as well as reputation. Membership Requirements In terms of membership, CIMA offers two grades, which include Associate and fellow. This means that for associate, an auditor for instance has to pass the qualifying examinations of the institute, should have three years of qualifying practice, which has been proved by being signed by witnesses. Two persons have to propose and second the member. As for the fellow, the auditor, being a member, should have the necessary experience from the senior level (Gowthorpe, 2005). On the other hand, a candidate should register as a member so as to undertake a professional scheme qualification. If a member completes the examination successfully, he/she therefore is transferred to the affiliate status. From this status is when a member is supposed to demonstrate through an application form that they have acquired a practical and supervised experience in accountan cy hence becoming an auditor . They should also have acquired the competence that is of standard level in auditing. Also, after a membership of five consecutive years, a senior membership is automatically awarded. ACCA offers its members the access to the Association of Corporate Treasurers membership. The United Kingdom’s Security & Investment Institute also recognizes ACCA members such as financial accountants (Page, 2006). The members are allowed to take International Taxation advanced diplomas at Chartered Institute of taxation. As for the CIMA, members gain recognition by the Society of Management Accountants of Canada. It has a qualification program with New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants. Qualifications In terms of qualification, ACCA provides a variety of diplomas and certificates at a foundation level. This is generally known as accountancy foundations. It offers an entry for individuals who want to pursue a career in finance and accounts but are new to t his field and do not meet the ACCA qualification entry requirements. Other qualifications include International auditing certificates, Financial management diplomas, Certificate and Diploma in International Financial Reporting, for ACCA full membership, individuals are offered MBA from Oxford University (Mike, 2008). CIMA offers a syllabus that is structured to motivate accountants pursuing their career in finance. Therefore, the students are at a position acquire Diploma in management accounting, Advanced management accounting diplomas as well as business accounting certificate. However, this body takes a long process when marking the examinations. Before the examinations are marked, a meeting is held between the examiner and the marker whereby they discuss into details of the marking scheme. The examiner is at a position to moderate the marking system at a closer range hence reviewing the scripts of marking. Differences There are a number of differences between a financial account ant from ACCA and an auditor from CIMA. ACCA for instance is a global organization that caters for financial accountants on a professional level while CIMA offers professional management in accounts internationally. CIMA deals with management on corporate strategy, budget making and variance analysis. On the other hand, ACCA concentrates on the technical accounting that best suits tax accountants, auditors as well as corporate

Friday, October 4, 2019

Internet safety securityn privacy Essay Example for Free

Internet safety securityn privacy Essay Introduction Microsoft has established partnership with American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in order to ensure online safety of children. This program provides guidelines for family safety and to protect children from developing psychological disturbances on social issues. AAP has a vast number of pediatricians in U. S. and it has second place as largest physician organization in the world which is promoting health and welfare to all children. Microsoft company which is a giant in computer software predicts that future generation of children required to possess extensive knowledge about Internet whereas, it should be lead by limitations of dos and don’ts on Internet browsing, which if not guided results in adverse impact both for parents and children. In this effort, AAP records a total of 96 million of school-age children per year and apart from promoting health care, AAP would also provide Internet safety measures for children. â€Å"We are pleased to see that the AAP and its members are striving to make Internet safety education a part of routine clinical care for children, (Adrienne Hall, Senior Director of Trustworthy Computing at Microsoft) Microsoft has several guidelines for each age group. Viz. , using family contracts, 10 things to teach kids, computer security tips for students, steps to improve family’web security, minimizing risk from online predators, a bank of tips and tools to help parents and a video to teach kids how to be safe online. In fact there are many points that have to be noticed by children before entering online surfing. First and foremost, parents must be present while children are online and secondly, identify the purpose of surfing such as whether it is for the purpose of education, online games, chatting, shopping or for any other purpose. Thirdly, encourage children to enter through search engines, explaining the importance of finding good sources of information for education purposes, or directly by having an accurate web site address / URL . This enables children to click on a particular link that is required for further information. For instance, children above the age of 6yrs usually are quick to learn about online skills and enjoy playing online games. In such case, parents must take initiative to find a web site which contains free online games which are both educative and entertaining viz. , math games, puzzle games, doll games and many other sport games. Parents must explain that by typing â€Å"online games† in google search engine a plethora of games websites are displayed which are good and entertaining for children. Children are very smart than parents, with the fact that anything explained once is remembered and from the very next minute, children pick up so fast in learning concepts. Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to teach online safety measures to children for the health and benefit of children. Step by step guidance is what is required for children instead of blackboard teaching. Teaching through videos, online training are some of the best methods to teach children how important it is to tread safely on Internet. There must be a friendly and warm atmosphere at the time of parents participation with children while teaching internet skills. Many a times, children do not agree or parents disagree with the online surfing. In such instance, rules must be framed as a formal contract that would be signed by both parents and children. In this manner, children would be compelled to listen to what parents teach about online skills. Apart from this open discussion, also brings good results with the fact that, when parents ask questions about Internet surfing, children get encouraged and begin to provide a great amount of information which enables parents to realize whether children are entering any unacceptable web areas or zones. There are quite a danger zones that harm children to the developing personality especially, information on weapons, forbidden web sites for children age and above all harmful images that trigger the emotions of innocent kids. Even chatting rooms have to be checked by parents, with the fact that at times, net friends provide false age and false information whereby children begin to build friendship with the above age group and ultimately fall prey as a victim to the net criminals/hackers. Children are even motivated to disappear from parents and especially in western world, parents suffered a great loss for not being aware of Internet in the primary stage of its launch. With some of these negative effects, Microsoft has even designed a code of conduct that must be signed between parents and children which is reproduced as below: â€Å"Online code-of-Conduct Contract. I will: Talk with my parents to learn the rules for using the Internet, including where I can go, what I can do, when I can go online, and how long I can be online ( ___ minutes or ___ hours). Never give out personal information such as my home address, telephone number, my parents work address or telephone number, credit card numbers, or the name and location of my school without my parents permission. Always tell my parents immediately if I see or receive anything on the Internet that makes me feel uncomfortable or threatened, including e-mail messages, Web sites, or even anything in the regular mail from Internet friends. Never agree to meet anyone in person that I have met online, without my parents permission. Never send pictures of myself or other family members to other people through the Internet or regular mail without first checking with my parents. Never give out my Internet passwords to anyone (even my best friends) other than my parents. Not do anything online that could hurt or anger other people or that is against the law. Never download, install, or copy anything from disks or the Internet without proper permission. Never do anything on the Internet that costs money without first asking permission from my parents. Let my parents know my Internet logon and chat names, listed below: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Name (child) _______________________ Date ____________ Parent or guardian _______________________ Date ____________ Several hours of browsing may also be harmful to the sensitive eyes of children which is why there should be a protective screen on computer monitor, otherwise there is every possibility of backache, development of eyesight, and even dark circles around eyes. It is important to take note here that children should be instructed to blink eyes every second and staring at web sites while playing games or visiting web sites without blinking eyes, causes lot of eye sight problems. Conclusion Internet is truly benefiting to children wherein children are educated at a fast pace as never before through blackboard teaching whereas measures of care would yield good results. Reference Protect your family : Beyond the basics, Prevention guidelines Accessed January 28, 2008 http://www. microsoft. com/protect/family/guidelines/default. mspx.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Long Term And Short Time Orientation English Language Essay

Long Term And Short Time Orientation English Language Essay This time, the manager from Uzbekistan is heading to Malaysia, to the beautiful country of forests and mountains, located in southeast Asia. Malaysia is a very interesting country that combines the features of the West and East cultures, it uses the development system of the Western culture, but at the same time, remains the traditions of the East. The people, who live there, Malaysians, are really proud of their country, their history and their culture. The formation of the Malay culture was influenced by many nations in the past, including local inhabitants, Malays who moved there, Chinese and Indian traders and, of course, the British colonizers. Even now the Malaysia is a multicultural country, where people of different nations live and cooperate together, especially Malays, Chinese, Indians and Eurasians. The unity is also supported in Malaysias motto, which is directly translated as Unity is Strength. The Malaysian constitution proposes the freedom of religion, nevertheless, it has clearly stated that the Islam is the main state religion and Malay is the main language. British influence can be observed in Malaysias governance as Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy with a king as a head of state, the Malay constitution is also based on English Law. Hofstedes framework Lets look at the Malaysia in the framework of the Hofstedes model, which measures such cultural dimensions as the power distance, individualism and collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity and femininity, long-term and short-term orientations. Power distance According to Hofstede G.(n.d.), power distance is the degree, by which the society tolerates the inequality of power and authority and the division on social stratas. The statistics from Hofstede G.[n.d.] show that Malaysia has a very high score of 104 in power distance index, which means that inequality of people is encouraged in this country, there is a strong hierarchy and every person has his own place. In the organizations, boss or manager is the source of power and his decisions are right like the law, so they must be performed by lower ranking employees without any challenges. Anyway, lower ranking employees always expect to be told what they should do. In addition, it means that contact with the boss can be achieved only through the command line. Referring to Ismail Z.(n.d) , survey showed that 69,4% of Malaysian managers use the sensing-judging style or tell style of communication with their subordinates, they always control and tell employees what to do. Individualism and collectivism Further dimension, individualism and collectivism, as it can be understood, refers to how people are treated in the culture as an individual person or they tend to belong to a certain groups, in other words, do people say I or we about themselves. The statistics from Hofstede G.(n.d) show 26 low score in individualism, which means that collectivism is more developed in Malaysia. People belong to a certain groups and there is a strong relationship between the group members, so that the group members take care of each other. Success is considered to be the result of the group work performance. The individual person who doesnt belong to any group isnt respected. Oluwabusuyi I.(2011) notes that there are lots of Malay proverbs promoting collectivism and here are few: A heavy load should be borne together as well as a light load ,As a bamboo conduit makes a round jet of water, so taking counsel together rounds men to one mind. Uncertainty avoidance The third dimension is uncertainty avoidance referring to White J.(2012), which shows the degree by which cultures are afraid of uncertainty and try to avoid it. Again the statistics from Hofstede G.(n.d) shows 36 index, meaning that Malay culture is more tolerate towards uncertainty. While USA tries to control the uncertainty by rules or actions to minimize it, the Malay culture dont have rules against uncertainty and they just let it be the way it is. Masculinity and femininity The next dimension is masculinity and femininity, which describes the main cultural traits of society. This time, referring to Hofstede G.(n.d) Malaysia has 50, which means that it has features of both masculine and feminine cultures. Masculinity can be seen in placing male traits such as competitiveness, power and success as the main cultural values, whereas, for feminine cultures the important values are the life quality and relationships. Most Malaysians work very hard in order to be successful, and, as a collectivistic culture, they also dont forget about importance of maintaining good relationship within the group, consequently, Malays combine both in the workplace. Long-term and short-time orientation Finally, I am pretty sure that Malays as a people, who tend to have relaxed time nature and who value the strong relationships and success, would prefer long-term orientations as only long period of time can help to achieve success and strong relationships. In addition, White J.(2012) states that Malaysians do not rely on the short term goals but rather they focus on long term goals to be achieved which make them one of the developing nations of the world. Halls model Now we will find out the communication style of Malays using the Halls framework, which proposes that there are high-context and low-context communication cultures. I would surely state that Malays are the high-context communication culture. This decision is right with accordance to Salleh L.(2005), which clarifies that high-context communication cultures build close relationships, they use indirect messages and analogous language, and they widely use non-verbal messages in the communication. Close Relationships Malays tend to build close relationships during communication. Malays are very hospitable, they always welcome their guests serving them with their traditional food and drinks. This tradition has been also used now in business meetings. The main intention here is to create a comfortable atmosphere for communication. Salleh L.(2005) notes that even during meetings, Malays firstly try to build the relationship with his partner asking him a lot of personal questions. Only after that, the partners get to the business. Indirect messages Further, Malays are comfortable to use indirect messages. They talk around things and leave the message to be understood by the interpreter. For example, instead of telling the friend directly: I need the ride to home, they say: Oh I am so tired and I need to go home on bus, expecting the message to be interpreted as a desire to get a ride. Salleh L.(2005) describes that in Malay culture, due to the mutual respect, it is impolite to tell straightly the desire as it sounds demanding, moreover, it is impolite to express negative feelings directly or to say no. Non-verbal language Thirdly, Malays use the non-verbal messages more in their communication, because their language contains less verbal information, as a result, the Malay interpreter is more sensitive to non-verbal language. For example, Sellah L.(2005) illustrates that in Malay culture, if the boy acts impolitely by interrupting elders, the long-lasting look of parents is understood by the boy as a sign that he was rude, whereas in USA culture, the boy may just think that parents are listening attentively. Analogous language According to Sellah L.(2005), Malay language is more analogous. One word in Malay language has several meanings at the same time. For example, Sellah L.(2005) indicates that the word beri that is translated as give has 12 meanings in the English language. These 4 factors surely demonstrate that Malays belong to high-context communication culture. Laurents model Laurent has conducted a global research in order to compare the managerial styles in different countries. Managers authority The first interested question was to know the spread of the managers authority outside of the organization in different countries. In my opinion, as Malaysia has a very high power distance, I am pretty sure that Malay managers are autocrats within the organization as well as in the society. Due to the collectivistic culture, either manager is an autocrat in the group of company employees or more likely he belongs to the higher ranking group of managers. Bypassing hierarchy Secondly, Laurent was interested in finding whether the employees are able to bypass the hierarchy for a benefit of effective work or not. Weir D.(n.d.) reports that one of the Asian countries, China, has 66% of disagreement in bypassing the hierarchy. Ismail Z.(n.d.) found that the Malay managers are the same as Chinese managers in their value systems. In Malaysia, the power distance is very high, so the bypassing is not appreciated, moreover, it is the sign of disrespect of authority. Manager is an expert Thirdly, Laurent wanted to know is it important for managers to know answers on all work-related questions. Weir D.(n.d.) asserts that Asian countries show the highest scores for this statement, agreeing that the manager should be an expert in the organization. I think it happens because mostly, in Asian companies, people begin their career from the very beginning, getting promotion with time and expertise. So, as a manager who has experienced everything in the organization, it is important to know answers on all work-related questions. Therefore, the employees there cant become managers until they improve their knowledge to perfect. The manager who doesnt know the answer loses his face. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck culture Now it is time to focus on Kluckhohn and Stodtbecks cultural theories which will help us to determine the value orientations of Malays. There are six values to identify, they are the relationship with nature, time orientation, human nature, behavior, relationship with others and spatial usage. Harmony with nature According to Ismail Z.(n.d.), Malays live in harmony with nature. It means that Malays coexist with the nature in balance like it is proposed in Feng Shui. That is why there are still lots of forests in the Malaysia, indexMundi(2011) reports that 62,3 % of Malaysian area is still covered by forest. However, harmony also implies the partial usage of nature resources, otherwise, the furniture company couldnt operate without the supply of woods. Time orientation Secondly, Ismail Z.(n.d.) states that the Malay culture focuses mostly on future in time orientation. This implies focusing on long-term goals and planning strategies to accomplish the future achievements. However, Malays also believe that changes in present leads to the success in future. People nature Thirdly, Ismail Z.(n.d.) determines that Malays view their peoples nature as neutral they think there are good people as well as bad people with reference to ying-yang . Malays trust each other, but they also dont forget about being careful. For example, according to Bosrock M.(2012), for Malays, the trust in partner is more important than the written contract, that is why the Malay may ask to repeat spoken business terms, but anyway signs contract for safety. Behavior Further, Ismael Z.(n.d.) informs us that Malays behavior style is being. Being is all about our internal motives to do something that we value or enjoying our lives. Relationship with others Then, due to the combination of the high power index and collectivism, the Malays are subject to hierarchical relation to others in society. In other words, people belong to groups, but depending on his social status. For example, higher ranking executives would belong to elite group of high ranking employees. Spatial usage Finally, of course as a collectivistic culture, Malays prefer public spatial usage over private. Malays as a collective workers are used to public spaces. In my opinion, it would be the big room with the big table, where everybody could sit face-to-face in order to work together. Trompenaars model Finally, we got to the Trompenaars model of cultural analysis, where we will distinguish between universalism and particularism, neutral and affective relationships, specific and diffuse relationships, achievement and ascription, sequential and synchronous time approaches, internal and external controls. Particularism vs Universalism According to, Asian countries have particularism tendencies, therefore, the relationship is the determinant of what practices should be applied. For example, before thinking of business, Malays firstly build the relationship with their partner. Depending on level of trust and relationship gained, the terms of agreements may change several times. For Malays even the spoken contract terms are more crucial than those of written. Neutral vs Affective White J.(2012) writes that Malaysian culture is very neutral, which means that people there control their emotions. They dont show their thoughts and feelings. They try to orient more on reasons than on emotions to act upon. This happened due to the impact of the Asian culture, where respect to other people is emphasized through being neutral in feelings and calm. Diffuse vs Special Thirdly, with reference to SCIE(1999) , it is clear that most East Asian cultures tend to have diffuse relationships, where their relationship also spreads beyond the workplace. As a collectivism is developed in Malay, the new employees who enters the organization, also belongs to the company team, which means that he is interdependent on the group even beyond the office. Achievement vs Ascription The ascription is more practiced in Malaysia, because of the hierarchy and respect to elders. The statuses are given depending on the age and authority. The following words from Bosrock M.(2012) surely prove my words: Malays judge people by who they are rather than what they do. Sequential vs Synchronous Malay attitude towards time is synchronous, according to MindTools,(2012), they see past, present and future as interwoven, and therefore their view of time is flexible. For example, Salleh L.(2005) illustrates that even on Malay weddings flexible time scheduling can be observed, even if the wedding was announced to be held at afternoon, the guests were coming after twelve and even few in the evenings. Internal vs External Malays as people, who are Muslims, believe in external locus of control or or in fatalism with reference to White J.(2012). Fatalism is the strong believe that everything happening good as well as bad is happening by the will of the God, as a result, religious believers are driven by feelings combined with their religious faith. Recommendations: For Uzbek manager, high hierarchy situation would be beneficial because the employees would perform everything told without a doubt, although manager should be active and thoughtful as he is the only decision maker, excluding the boss. Also, if the manager would have a boss, he is strongly recommended not to challenge his decisions. The manager should keep in mind that, in Malaysia, where the collectivism is high, he is going to manage not individuals, but the groups. The performance of the groups is more effective than of individuals, if managed well. As the collectivism is encouraged, also it is advisable for manager to head to Malaysia in groups beforehand or to enter the company group in order to be respected. Uzbek manager should be careful with decisions, because it is risky and difficult to make right decisions in such uncertainty atmosphere as it is found in Malaysia, especially if he hadnt lived there before. The combination of masculinity and femininity allows male as well as female manager to be sent there. Also, it means that manager should not only focus on succeeding on masculine values, but also he should make relationships with other managers, as in such culture belonging to group plays an important role. Due to the long-term orientation, manager should be focused on improving performance and planning strategies in the long-run. According to Salleh L.(2005), Malays have strong feelings of hospitality, therefore they serve their guests with snacks and drinks. Moreover, this tradition is now being used in business meetings. In that case, our manager should at least try the servings to show respect against the partner. However, Its only the beginning, as this process creates an atmosphere for communication. According to Bosrock M.(2012), before getting down to business, Malays tend to involve the partner into a very long conversation with a lot of personal questions in order to build a trust and relationship, so, I would advise our manager to be patient. Bosrock M.(2012) claims that Malay businessmen may try to renegotiate even after drafted written contract is concluded, it happens because spoken contract terms are more important for Malays than written ones, therefore as a manager, be ready for it. In addition, Malay businessmen will insist on concessions, but wont give up something in exchange, therefore plan several meetings beforehand. Salleh L.(2005) states that expressing the desire and negative feelings is impolite for Malays, therefore as a high-context communication culture, they will be sending indirect messages and using non-verbal signals a lot. For our manager, it means that he should be more sensitive towards the expressed words searching for their hidden context and pay more attention to the non-verbal signals as they will help to decode the context more accurately. Dont bypass the hierarchy in Malaysia, you will lose your face. According to Weir D.(n.d.), in Asian countries, the manager should be able to answer to any work-related question of the employee. If he couldnt answer, he loses his face, therefore, I advise our manager to be experienced, knowledgeable and to research on everything about companys operations. My personal suggestion is to be ready to the change in the work atmosphere, as I am pretty sure that the group work of Malays will be conducted in one room, where it would be noisy and all people would be sitting face-to face and discussing everything together. White J.(2012) claims that Malays judge person by who he is, therefore, the manager should be chosen appropriately by age, gender, background, family, previous status and so on. I would suggest that he should be a very experienced and knowledgeable senior manager, preferably male, with a diploma from a famous university and with work experience in most powerful companies, in addition he should be from well-bred family, and also the important thing is that he should be powerful and from the high social strata. Keep in mind that Malays have flexible time nature, so dont be angry if he comes late, however, according to Wikia(2012), if you are hosting an event you should be punctual. With regard to Wikia (2012), left hands and feet is considered as dirty, therefore never use your left hand or legs to do something. However, business cards taken with both hands are the sign of respect. In addition, carefully examine the taken card as it is very respectful. Backpacking-tips-asia (2012),Malays are so polite that they cant say no , so dont be too trustful with yes answers. Avoid making meetings on Friday as it is the religious day and Muslims go to the mosque. If you want to invite to a dinner, keep in mind that they dont eat pork and dont drink alcohol; in addition they eat Halal food. If someone gives you a gift, you should give something of the same value in exchange or invite somewhere, in addition, I would advise not to open the gift in the presence of gift presenter. Remove the shoes before entering someones house Backpacking-tips-asia(2012) notes that, if someone invites you, bring a gift but avoid wrapping it in white, blue or black as they symbolize death, also yellow too as it is a royal color. If you want to visit mosque, wear long clothing and cover your head. According to Bosrock M.(2012), pointing with a finger is insult, keeping the hands in pocket is anger and hitting fist into cupped hand is obscene, in addition, it is not allowed to touch someones head as head is considered as the home of the soul, so dont do all this. Kwintessential(2012) states the the family is considered as the centre of the social structure, that is why elders should be always respected, and it is not allowed to smoke near to them. When introducing, you should first introduce senior or higher-ranking executives and women first According to Kwistessentials(2012), the concept of face is different in Malaysia as it is the indicative of good name, characters and reputation of the generations. And you can easily lose your face if you criticize, disagree or insult someone; if you earn shame to your group; if you challenge an authority; if you deny a request or dont keep your promise. It is also told that, face can be saved by keeping yourself calm. Dont smile as it has several good as well as bad meanings. There are lots of rooms for prayers in the streets, so dont mess them up with restrooms. To greet a person you should lightly touch someones both hands and then bring your right hand to your chest and say Salam. Handshake with women is not allowed, until she offers it first. Just in case, simple smile and nodding is enough as a greeting. Thorough analytical research of Malaysia has showed that Malaysia has a very unique culture. Before this research, I was thinking that all Asian cultures are similar, but now I have seen a lot cultural values and customs that differ from ours. Many traditions and customs were so entertaining and interesting to observe. Anyway, in my opinion, there are things that cannot be illustrated by any paper and one of such thing is culture, which can be observed only practically through living side-by-side with the culture representatives. I wish good luck and success to our manager in Malaysia.